Create a T-SQL Database-Level Trigger:
Create Trigger tr_DDLOnTablesUnderReplication ON DATABASE FOR DROP_TABLE, ALTER_TABLE AS
--Select * from sys.triggers order by name
If Exists (Select 1 FROM [Distribution].[dbo].[MSarticles] AS A INNER JOIN [Distribution].[dbo].[MSpublications] AS P ON (A.[publication_id] = P.[publication_id]) where a.article = @TABLE_NAME and A.[source_owner] = CONVERT(nvarchar(100), CURRENT_USER)) --DBO Begin PRINT @TABLE_NAME + ' - Is a Replicated Table. Please contact your DBA to proceed!' ROLLBACK; End END
Note: This code assumes your Distribution DB is named Distribution and on the same server as your Subscribers. If not the case, adjust the T-SQL accordingly.
Table not configured for Replication:
Alter table dbo.TBL1 add PhotoID int NUll
Command(s) completed successfully.
Table configured for Replication:
Alter table dbo.TBL2 add PhotoID int NUll
TBL2 - Is a Replicated Table. Please contact DBA Sysadmin to proceed! Msg 3609, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.
DBA steps to make schema change:
Step 1: Disable Trigger [tr_TBL2_upd_Status] on [dbo].[TBL2] go
Step 2: Make schema change
Step 3: Enable Trigger [tr_TBL2_upd_Status] on [dbo].[TBL2] go