A T-SQL Query to show all Distribution Agents and all associated errors, with aggregrated counts, over a specified time interval. The script runs against your Distribution Database and assumes all Distribution Agents are local on the Server.
Declare @TimeOffSetHours int = -8 Select t2.Name, t1.Agent_id, t1.Comments, count(*) Total From Distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history t1 Inner Join Distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_agents t2 on t1.agent_id=t2.id Where t1.error_id is not null and t1.error_id <> '' --where error_id is present And t1.[time] > DATEADD(HOUR, @TimeOffSetHours, GETDATE()) --Last x hours Group By t2.name, t1.agent_id, t1.comments Order By Total Desc
Select * from MSdistribution_history Order By [time] Desc Select * from MSdistribution_agents Order By Name Asc Select * from MSdistribution_history where agent_id=1353 Order By [time] Desc