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SQL Always On Monitor
by BF (Principal Consultant; Architecture; Engineering)
SQL Always On Monitor - Version 1:
Captures, Logs, Alerts & Reports for Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Groups. Tested on SQL Server 2016 Environment.
The below T-SQL script will output the Always On Metrics per each Availability group. We recommend you add this Stored Procedure in a SQL Agent Job at run on at least a 15 min basis - if you have a busy database system. This object has parameters and also added the ability for Warnings & Alerts & emails a HTML generated report. The report has row-level markers that differentiate Warnings & Alerts for easy display to the user indicating the items needing attention. We also include a permanent table for logging of all of the metrics.
T-SQL Solution:
Create Logging Table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LOG_ALWAYSON]( [LogID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [AlwaysON Node] [varchar](50) NULL, [Availability Group] [varchar](50) NULL, [Database] [varchar](50) NULL, [Synchronization State] [varchar](50) NULL, [Synchronization Health] [varchar](50) NULL, [RPO] [int] NULL, [PRI_LogSendQueueSize_RecordsUnsent_KB] [int] NULL, [PRI_LogSendRate_KB_sec] [int] NULL, [SEC_RedoQueueSize_RecordsNotDone_KB] [int] NULL, [SEC_RedoRate_KB_sec] [int] NULL, [IsPrimary] [char](1) NULL, [InsertedDate] [datetime] NULL, [PeriodEnding] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
Create Stored Procedure:
USE [OPS] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Admin_AlwaysON_Monitor] Script Date: 1/5/2018 1:53:40 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create Procedure [dbo].[Admin_AlwaysON_Monitor] @WarningThresholdPercent int = 10, @WarningThresholdValue int = 10, @AlertThresholdPercent int = 5, @AlertThresholdValue int = 5, @EmailReport int = 1 as
/* Sample Execution: Exec dbo.Admin_AlwaysON_Monitor 0, 0, 0, -60000, 1 --WarningValue: < 0; AlertValue <- 10000 -- -10000=10secs */
Declare @IsWarnings bit = 0; Declare @IsAlerts bit = 0; Declare @tableHTML nvarchar(max); Declare @PeriodEnding datetime; Set @PeriodEnding = GetDate();
INSERT INTO dbo.LOG_ALWAYSON ( [AlwaysON Node], [Availability Group], [Database], [Synchronization State], [Synchronization Health], [RPO], [PRI_LogSendQueueSize_RecordsUnsent_KB], [PRI_LogSendRate_KB_sec], [SEC_RedoQueueSize_RecordsNotDone_KB], [SEC_RedoRate_KB_sec], [IsPrimary], [InsertedDate], [PeriodEnding] )
SELECT ar.replica_server_name as 'AlwaysON Node', as 'Availability Group', adc.database_name as 'Database', --ISNULL(drs.database_state_desc,'') as 'DatabaseState', drs.synchronization_state_desc 'Synchronization State', drs.synchronization_health_desc as 'Synchronization Health', ISNULL(DATEDIFF(MS,LAG(drs.last_commit_time) OVER(PARTITION BY drs.database_id ORDER BY drs.database_id DESC, is_primary_replica DESC),drs.last_commit_time),'') AS 'RPO(ms)', ISNULL(drs.log_send_queue_size,'') as 'PRI-LogSendQueueSize(RecordsUnsent(KB))', --Amount of log records of the primary database that has not been sent to the secondary databases, in kilobytes (KB). ISNULL(drs.log_send_rate,'') as 'PRI-LogSendRate(KB/s)', --Average rate at which primary replica instance sent data during last active period, in kilobytes (KB)/second. ISNULL(drs.redo_queue_size,'') as 'SEC-RedoQueueSize(RecordsNotDone(KB))', --Amount of log records in the log files of the secondary replica that has not yet been redone, in kilobytes (KB) ISNULL(drs.redo_rate,'') as 'SEC-RedoRate(KB/s)', --Rate at which the log records are being redone on a given secondary database, in kilobytes (KB)/second. CASE drs.is_primary_replica WHEN '1' Then 'Y' Else 'N' End as 'IsPrimary', GetDate(), @PeriodEnding /*drs.is_local, drs.is_commit_participant, drs.recovery_lsn, drs.truncation_lsn, drs.last_sent_lsn, drs.last_sent_time, drs.last_received_lsn, drs.last_received_time, drs.last_hardened_lsn, drs.last_hardened_time, drs.last_redone_lsn, drs.last_redone_time, drs.filestream_send_rate, drs.end_of_log_lsn, drs.last_commit_lsn, drs.last_commit_time*/ FROM sys.availability_replicas AS ar with (nolock) INNER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states AS drs with (nolock) ON drs.group_id = ar.group_id AND drs.replica_id = ar.replica_id INNER JOIN sys.availability_databases_cluster AS adc with (nolock) ON drs.group_id = adc.group_id AND drs.group_database_id = adc.group_database_id INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups AS ag with (nolock) ON ag.group_id = drs.group_id ORDER BY, ar.replica_server_name, adc.database_name;
--Begin Warnings: IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_ALWAYSON] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([RPO] > @AlertThresholdValue and [RPO] < @WarningThresholdValue) ) Begin Set @IsWarnings = 1 Select 'Warning[!] RPO [Btw:' + Convert(varchar(25),@AlertThresholdValue) + ' and ' + Convert(varchar(25),@WarningThresholdValue) + ']' as 'Message', [RPO], [Availability Group], [Database] from [dbo].[LOG_ALWAYSON] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([RPO] > @AlertThresholdValue and [RPO] < @WarningThresholdValue) order by [RPO] asc End Else Begin Select 'No Warnings' as 'Message Warnings:' End
--Begin Alerts: IF EXISTS( Select 1 from [dbo].[LOG_ALWAYSON] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([RPO] < @AlertThresholdValue) ) Begin Set @IsAlerts = 1 Select 'Alerts[!] RPO [> ' + Convert(varchar(25),@AlertThresholdValue) + ']' as 'Message', [RPO], [Availability Group], [Database] from [dbo].[LOG_ALWAYSON] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding and ([RPO] < @AlertThresholdValue) order by [RPO] asc End Else Begin Select 'No Alerts' as 'Message Alerts:' End
Declare @dayNumber int Set @dayNumber = DATEPART(DW, GETDATE()) Declare @isMonday int = 0
IF(@dayNumber = 2) --Monday Begin Set @isMonday = 1 End
--Begin Notifications: If (@IsWarnings = 1 or @IsAlerts = 1 or @isMonday = 1) and @EmailReport = 1 Begin
SET @tableHTML = N'<H4><Font Color=black><font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"><u>REPORT TITLE:</u> ALWAYS-ON HIGH AVAILABILITY MONITOR - WARNINGS & ALERTS</H4>' + N'<H4><Font Color=black><font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;">' + @@SERVERNAME + '</H4></font>' + N'<H4><Font Color=black><font face="Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;">' + convert(nvarchar(25),@PeriodEnding) + '</H4></font>' + N'<table border="1" style=”font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:11pt;”> ' + N'<tr align="left"><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">AlwaysON Node</th><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">AlwaysON AG</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">AlwaysON DB</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">Synch State</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">Synch Health</th><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">RPO(ms)</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">PRI Log SendQueue(Records KB)</th><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">PRI Log SendRate(KB/sec)</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">SEC RedoQueue(Records KB)</th><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">SEC RedoRate(KB/sec)</th> <th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">IsPrimary</th><th align="left" bgcolor="black" style="color:white;">Run Date</th> </tr>' + CAST ((
Select Case When [RPO] > @AlertThresholdValue and [RPO] < @WarningThresholdValue then '#ffff33' --yellow When [RPO] < @AlertThresholdValue then '#ff3333' Else '#d9d9d9' end AS [@bgcolor], td = [AlwaysON Node], '', td = [Availability Group], '', td = [Database], '', td = [Synchronization State], '', td = [Synchronization Health], '', td = [RPO], '', td = [PRI_LogSendQueueSize_RecordsUnsent_KB], '', td = [PRI_LogSendRate_KB_sec], '', td = [SEC_RedoQueueSize_RecordsNotDone_KB], '', td = [SEC_RedoRate_KB_sec], '', td = [IsPrimary], '', td = [InsertedDate], ''--, --td = [PeriodEnding], '' From ( Select [AlwaysON Node], [Availability Group], [Database], [Synchronization State], [Synchronization Health], [RPO], [PRI_LogSendQueueSize_RecordsUnsent_KB], [PRI_LogSendRate_KB_sec], [SEC_RedoQueueSize_RecordsNotDone_KB], [SEC_RedoRate_KB_sec], [IsPrimary], [InsertedDate], [PeriodEnding] from [dbo].[LOG_ALWAYSON] where PeriodEnding = @PeriodEnding ) t
FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + N'</table>' ;
Set @tableHTML = '</br><font size=2>' + @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '- Report Warning Run Values: RPO: Between ' + Convert(varchar(10),@AlertThresholdValue) + ' - ' + Convert(varchar(5),@WarningThresholdValue)
Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '- Report Alert Run Values: RPO: Less Than ' + Convert(varchar(10),@AlertThresholdValue)
Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '<font size=2>- Source: Admin_AlwaysON_Monitor'
Set @tableHTML = @tableHTML + '</br></br>' + '- Delivered by DBMail on SRV-NYC-01' + + '</font>'
If @tableHTML <> '' and @tableHTML IS NOT NULL Begin Declare @ProfileName as varchar(100) Set @ProfileName = (Select value from dbo.config where configid = 1) Declare @Recipients as varchar(100) Set @Recipients = (Select value from dbo.config where configid = 2)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = @ProfileName, @recipients= @Recipients, @subject = 'MSSQL - Always-On High Availability Monitor - SRV-NYC-01', @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML' End