Step 1: SSMS..Query..Select SQLDMD Mode
Step 2: SSMS..New Query..Execute the T-SQL below w/ required SQL Instance Names(s)
:CONNECT SQLInstanceName
set nocount on
Declare @srv_name varchar(150)
Set @srv_name = 'SQLInstanceName'
Declare @db_name varchar(250)
Declare c_db_processing Cursor For
Select [name] from master.sys.databases where state_desc = 'ONLINE' order by name asc
Open c_db_processing Fetch c_db_processing INTO @db_name While @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin EXEC ('USE ['+ @db_name + ']' + 'Select ' + '''' + 'SYSOBJECTS' + '''' +' as TableName' + ',count(*) as TotalRecords,' + '''' + @srv_name + '''as ServerName,' + '''' + @db_name + '''as DatabaseName' + ' from dbo.sysobjects with (nolock) where xtype = ''U'' and category = 0') Fetch c_db_processing Into @db_name End
Close c_db_processing Deallocate c_db_processing GO
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