Get SQL Agent Job Last Run Status:
Select t2.Name as 'Job Name', dateadd(second, (last_run_time/10000*3600) + (((last_run_time%10000-last_run_time%100)/100)*60) + (last_run_time%100), convert(datetime,cast(nullif(last_run_date,0) as nvarchar(10)))) as [Last_Run_Datetime], Last_Run_Date, Last_Run_Time, last_run_duration as 'Last_Run_Duration_HH_MM_SS', Last_Run_Outcome, Last_Outcome_Message, t2.Date_Created, t2.Date_Modified FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobservers t1 inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs t2 on t1.job_id = t2.job_id where last_run_date > '20190711' order by [Last_Run_Datetime] desc
/* last_run_duration Duration that the job was run, in hours, minutes, and seconds. Computed by using the formula: (hours*10000) + (minutes*100) + seconds. */