SQL Job - Disk Space Low - Alert
# Replace "smtp.domain.com" with your mail server name $smtp=new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("smtp.domain.com")
# Set thresholds (in gigabytes) for C: drive and for the remaining drives $driveCthreshold=25 $threshold=25
# Replace settings below with your e-mails $emailFrom="sqlserver@domain.com" $emailTo="alerts@domain.com"
# Get SQL Server hostname $hostname=Get-WMIObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
# Get all drives with free space less than a threshold. Exclude System Volumes $Results = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Filter "SystemVolume='False' AND DriveType=3"| Where-Object {($_.FreeSpace/1GB –lt $driveCthreshold –and $_.DriveLetter -eq "C:")` –or ($_.FreeSpace/1GB –lt $threshold –and $_.DriveLetter -ne "C:" )}
ForEach ($Result In $Results) { $drive = $Result.DriveLetter $space = $Result.FreeSpace $thresh = if($drive -eq 'C:'){$driveCthreshold} else {$threshold}
# Send e-mail if the free space is less than threshold parameter $smtp.Send( $emailFrom, $emailTo, # E-mail subject "Disk $drive on $hostname has less than $thresh GB of free space left ", # E-mail body ("{0:N0}" -f [math]::truncate($space/1MB))+" MB") }