Compare SQL Job Runtime for a certain day of the week (A Migration Performance Check Item)
Use [msdb]; GO
Declare @jobname varchar(250) Declare @DayOfWeek int = 7 --(7=Saturday) Declare @SQLJobNameLike varchar(1000) = 'Maintenance'
Create Table #TMP (SQLJobName varchar(1000), Checked Bit) Insert Into #TMP Select [name], 0 from [msdb]..sysjobs where [name] like '%' + @SQLJobNameLike + '%' and [enabled] = 1 Order by [name] asc
Create Table #Results (SQLJobName varchar(1000), ServerName varchar(100), AvgDurationMinutes varchar(100), DayDate varchar(100))
While Exists (Select 1 from #TMP where Checked = 0) Begin
Set @jobname = (Select top 1 SQLJobName from #TMP where Checked = 0 Order By SQLJobName asc)
Print @jobname
Insert Into #Results Select d.jobname ,d.servername , avgDurationMinutes=avg(d.durationMinutes) , daydate=convert(char(10),startdatetime,101) from ( select ,servername=server ,startdatetime= CONVERT (DATETIME, RTRIM(run_date)) + ( run_time * 9 + run_time % 10000 * 6 + run_time % 100 * 10 ) / 216e4 , durationMinutes= (CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),1,3) AS INT) * 60 * 60 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),4,2) AS INT) * 60 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),6,2) AS INT) )/60.
,enddatetime = dateadd (ss, (CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),1,3) AS INT) * 60 * 60 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),4,2) AS INT) * 60 + CAST(SUBSTRING((right('0000000' + convert(varchar(7), run_duration), 7)),6,2) AS INT) ) , (CONVERT (DATETIME, RTRIM(run_date)) + ( run_time * 9 + run_time % 10000 * 6 + run_time % 100 * 10 ) / 216e4 ) ) , retries_attempted from sysjobs j (nolock) join sysjobhistory h on h.job_id = j.job_id and h.step_id = 0 -- look only at the job outcome step for the total job runtime where = @jobname and run_duration > 0
) d where datepart(dw,startdatetime) = @DayOfWeek group by d.jobname ,servername ,convert(char(10),startdatetime,101) order by d.jobname ,servername ,cast(convert(char(10),startdatetime,101)as datetime) desc
Update #TMP set checked = 1 where SQLJobName = @jobname
Select SQLJobName, ServerName, AvgDurationMinutes, DayDate as [Date], DateName(WEEKDAY, DayDate) As [DayOfWeek] from #Results Order By SQLJobName Asc, DayDate Desc
Drop Table #TMP Drop Table #Results