SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS) is a Microsoft solution that provides customers with the ability to create, publish and manage reports, then delivering them to users in different methods, whether viewing them in web browser, mobile, file share or an email.

Use ReportServer go
Select s.[SubscriptionID], cat.[Path], s.[DeliveryExtension], s.[EventType], Owner.[UserName] 'Owner', s.[LastRunTime], Modified.[UserName] 'Modified By', s.[ModifiedDate], s.[Description], s.[LastStatus] From dbo.Subscriptions [s] inner join dbo.[Catalog] [cat] on s.[Report_OID] = cat.[ItemID] inner join dbo.[Users] [Owner] on s.OwnerID = Owner.UserID inner join dbo.[Users] [Modified] on s.ModifiedByID = Modified.UserID