Powershell Code:
$dt = Get-Date
$dtformatted = Get-Date -Format g $dtformatted = $dtformatted.Replace(':','') $dtformatted = $dtformatted.Replace('/','-') $dtformatted = $dtformatted.Replace(' ','-')
$ServerName = "NYC01;
$Directory = "G:\Reports\"
$Filename = "MSSQLAuditReport-$ServerName-$dtformatted.htm"
$To = "xyz@nycxyz.com"
$From = "reports@nycxyz.com"
$SMTP = "mail.nycxyz.com"
$IsBodyEmail = "0" #0 = Exclude Email Body and only Attachment Sent
Function Get-MSSQLAuditReport { #Test Directory Exists If(Test-Path -Path $Directory) {
Write-host "Success | Directory Exists"
#Test Directory and File Exists If(Test-Path $filepath) {
Remove-Item $filepath -Force If($?) {Write-Host "Success | Delete Previous File"} }
#Test Server is up If(Test-Connection -ComputerName $ServerName -Count 5 -Quiet) {
Write-host "Success | Test-Connection to Server"
#Start Report Creation [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | out-null
$ServerObject = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server -ArgumentList $ServerName
$styles = "<style>TH{text-align:left;text-decoration: underline;padding:3px;} TD{padding:3px;} BODY{background-color:silver;} TABLE{background-color:white;font-size:12px;font-family:Segoe UI; box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #888; border: thin solid grey;};</style>"
"[MICROSOFT SQL SERVER - AUDIT REPORT - $ServerName - $dt]" | Out-File -append $filepath
$ServerObject.Information.Properties |Select Name, Value | ConvertTo-HTML -head $styles -body “</br><u><H1>Server:</H1></u></br>” | Out-File -append $filepath If ($?) {Write-host "Success | Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.Information.Properties"} Else {Write-host "Fail | Information.Properties"}
$ServerObject.Settings.Properties |Select Name, Value | ConvertTo-HTML -head $styles -body “<H1>Server Settings:</H1>” | Out-File -append $filepath If ($?) {Write-host "Success | Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.Settings.Properties"} Else {Write-host "Fail | Settings.Properties"}
$ServerObject.Configuration.Properties |Select DisplayName, Description, Minimum, Maximum, RunValue, ConfigValue | ConvertTo-HTML -head $styles -body “<H1>Configuration:</H1>” | Out-File -append $filepath If ($?) {Write-host "Success | Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.Configuration.Properties"} Else {Write-host "Fail | Configuration.Properties"}
$ServerObject.Databases | Select Name, ActiveConnections, Size, LastBackupDate, PrimaryFilePath | ConvertTo-HTML -head $styles -body “<H1>Databases:</H1>” | Out-File -append $filepath If ($?) {Write-host "Success | Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.Databases"} Else {Write-host "Fail | Database"}
$ServerObject.Logins | Select Name, LoginType, HasAccess, DenyWindowsLogin, PassworPolicyEnforced, PasswordExpirationEnabled, MustChangePassword, IsLocked, IsDisabled, IsPasswordExpired | ConvertTo-HTML -head $a -body “<H1>Logins:</H1>” | Out-File -append $filepath If ($?) {Write-host "Success | Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.Logins"} Else {Write-host "Fail | Logins"}
Write-host "Success | Report Created"
Function SendEmail {
$receipients = $to
If($IsBodyEmail -eq "1") {
$body = Get-Content $htmlFileName
$body = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $receipients, $subject, $body
$body.isBodyhtml = $true
$smtpServer = $smtpServerName
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$smtp.Send($body) }
SendEmail -from $From -to $To -subject “Microsoft SQL Server - Audit Report – $ServerName - $dt” -htmlfilename $filepath -attachments $filepath -smtpservername $SMTP if($?) {Write-host "Success | Send Email"} Else {Write-host "Fail | Send Email" }
#Get-Help Get-Member –full; #$ServerObject | gm | more; #$ServerObject.Information #$ServerObject.Information | Select Parent, Product, Edition, VersionString | FT -auto; #$ServerObject.Information.Properties #$ServerObject.UserOptions.Properties #$ServerObject.Configuration.Properties #$ServerObject.Databases | Select Name, PrimaryFilePath, ActiveConnections, LastBackupDate, Size, UserAccess, Status, SpaceAvailable #$ServerObject.Logins Name, PassworPolicyEnforced, PasswordExpirationEnabled, LoginType, MustChangePassword, IsLocked, IsDisabled, IsPasswordExpired, HasAccess, DenyWindowsLogin #cls
Image 1: Powershell Output:

Image 2: Report Emailed (Attachment; HTML File):
